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Isla Del Sol Curchills are another cigar made by Drew Estate that infuses incredible aromatic flavors with premium tobaccos from Nicaragua. These cigars are hand made by master artisans in Esteli Nicaragua at Drew Estate's world renowned Factory where they cultivate, cure and produce these astonishing cigars from start to finish. Each Isla Del Sol has a unique blend of Nicaraguan long leaf fillers, nuances of extraordinary interfusions can be detected that have Sumatran Mandailing coffee bean-like properties. Each of the magnificent sun grazed Sumantran wrappers are hand selected and imported from Indonesia to ensure the silkiest even-burning experience you get from all of Drew Estate's cigar lines.
Since Drew Estate began making cigars in 1994, they have maintained a steady stream of new and interestingly unique cigars. Begining with La Vieja Habana, the first of many premium lines. Releasing one line after another, with names like Kahlua, Chataeu Real, Tabak Especial, ACID 5, Liga Privada No.9 and Isla Del Sol, Drew Estate has been a prominent force in the cigar industry since it's inception.
MILD TO MEDIUM. A mild to medium earthy tobacco taste combined with tones of expresso and butter cream. Notes of cocoa and roasted cashews are also present.