They are smooth, complex cigar for the mild to medium smoker. It is made with flawless construction at the Carillo family's Tabacalera La Alianza factory in the Dominican Republic. It has a beautiful Ecuadorian-shade Connecticut wrapper that covers a blend of Cuban-seed Dominican and Nicaraguan long-filler and a Nicaraguan binder.
The Godfather of Boutique Cigars, Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, is known for creating the legendary brand of La Gloria Cubana. He has been around cigars all his life. Ernesto worked side by side with his father learning everything he could about making a great cigar. He took over for his father is 1980 and tried to create the perfect blend.
MILD TO MEDIUM This cigar has an easy draw from which rich, creamy flavors will delight from start to finish. A toasty balance of leather and sweetness will delight you. They comes in boxes of 20.
Coming in a robusto size it is perfect for someone looking for a shorter smoke with a length of 5" and a 50 ring gauge,
Also coming in a toro size it is perfect for someone looking for an easy smoke with a length of 6" and a 52 ring gauge,
Also coming in a Gordo size it is perfect for someone looking for a bigger ring guage smoke with a length of 6" and a 60 ring gauge,
And coming in a churchill size it is perfect for someone looking for a longer smoke with a length of 7" and a 49 ring gauge.