La Caya Vintage 1997 Series Mild Connecticut Wrapper Cigars
La Caya Vintage cigars from the 1997 Series feature a Connecticut shade-grown wrapper. They're mild cigars that have a blend of Cuban-seed Dominican Piloto and Nicaraguan Habano long-fillers in a Cuban-seed Piloto binder and a natural shade-grown Connecticut wrapper.
This combination of aged tobacco provides a mild smoke with a rich and smooth taste. You'll sense waves of cedar, toasted nuts and a little nutmeg. The finish is as good as the beginning, smooth and mellow. After these cigars were skillfully handmade, they were extensively aged in a cedar lined aging room before being hand-packed in Cuban style boxes of 25 cigars. For the price, there's nothing that even comes close. We guarantee it with our full satisfaction money-back guarantee.
Smoke one and if it's not everything we claim, send the rest back for a full refund. We'll even give you a refund for the cigar you smoked.
La Caya has been making cigars in the Cibao tobacco region of the Dominican Republic since 1997. While they're a well known cigar maker in the industry, they're not well known to cigar smokers. That's because they usually make cigars for other cigar companies, under the company's own brands. Many of their hand made cigars have earned top ratings and praise. A few years ago they decided to take their best tobacco and make a limited amount of ultra-premium cigars under their own La Caya brand.
Only a few boxes made it out to the stores and a limited group of cigar aficionados. Even Smoke Magazine loved these, giving them a 92 rating. After these cigars were extensively aged we bought their whole inventory. We got a great deal and are passing the saving on to you.