Padron 1964 ANNIVERSARY NATURAL "Box and Single"
Padron 1964 Anniversary are full-bodied cigars that combine complexity, balance and flavor. They're handmade with 4-year aged Cuban-seed tobacco and consistently rated among the world's top handmade cigars. With a Cuban-seed Habano wrapper, the Padron 1964 cigar has a superb hand feel but where it excels is in the taste. It has a wonderful creamy cocoa that gives some ground to nut flavors. It has an almost effortless draw and provides clouds of delightful smoke. Padrón 1964 commemorates Padrons Cigars’ 30th Anniversary. This line consists of ten sizes that are all available in natural and maduro wrappers. We are Padron authorized dealers, so you know you're getting fresh and authentic Padron 1964 cigars.