Buena Vista has released a new small batch blend called the Reserva 2008. Buena Vista cigars was gone for a while but now they are back and better than ever. They moved production from their Cancun, Mexico based factory to the Dominican Republic. In an effort to reproduce the Cuban cigar profile each Buena Vista Reserva uses 100% Cuban-seed tobacco grown in Central America.
This cigar has been in the making for quite some time. Blended by professional Cuban rollers, the Reserva comes wrapped in an elegant Ecuadorian Habano 98 wrapper. This well-balanced cigar is a perfect blend of premium Dominican tobaccos from 2008, which were aged two years prior to being rolled in 2010. After being rolled, these cigars were laid out in cedar-lined rooms for an another three years. The taste is a smooth and chewy, and exudes rich notes of cedar, spice, and pepper. Buena Vista Reserva Sublime Toro cigars are 6.7 inches with a ring gauge of 52 and are packed 10 in a box.