Montecristo EPIC PREMIUM SELECTION "Boxes and Single"
Montecristo Epic cigars are handmade in the Dominican Republic with the vintage crop from the 2007 harvest. They have the highest grade lush Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, the finest Nicaraguan binder and Nicaraguan and Dominican long-filler tobacco. They're blended so perfectly it's a masterpiece. Montecristo assigned their most skilled and accomplished cigar rollers, whom they call their "Grupo de Maestros" or Group of Masters, to create the Montecristo Epic. Each and every cigar is meticulously inspected and every box includes a Certificate of Authenticity signed by the artisans at every step of the process.
The Montecristo Epic is a limited edition cigar that comes in a beautiful yellow and red wood box. They are medium to full bodied and have a rich aroma. Their rich taste has notes of chocolate, nuts, coffee, fruit, and caramel. The smoke is wonderfully round and aromatic. This is a cigar so special and unique that it needs to be experienced to be understood. The pre-light cold draw provides vanilla and fruit notes with a touch of pepper.