Tony Alvarez HABANO Cigar Sampler of 5
Tony has been making fine cigars for years and these MaduroHabano cigars prove his talents. He personally supervises each roller in the creation of these cigars, and some of the cigars are even made by the man himself. Tony Alvarez is a Cuban Master cigar maker. He grew tobacco and hand rolled perfect cigars in Cuba for Monte Cristo, Romeo y Julieta and Cohiba. He then fled Cuba and while in Miami, Florida rolled for Don Tito, La Gloria Cubana and CAONAO cigars. Tony knows cigars so he went to Esteli, Nicaragua and opened his own small factory.
His cigars are all totally made by hand, and many he makes himself. He only uses the best wrappers, binders and fillers to make these habano cigars. As in the traditional cuban cigar factory, cigars do not leave his factory until he personally inspects them. They are all top premium cigars. That is the only way that Tony knows how to make them. Quantities are very limited so get this sampler at these prices while they're in stock.
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